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Did you want to write?but never knew how to start and where to write?.In this tutorial you will learn where to write your first blog and be accepted from a wide range of Audience. Have you always felt you can be a writer at some point in your life but never had a website of your own? You will learn the tricks to become a full time blogger where you can earn an income online even without your own website. How to go from nothing to full-time blogger and beyond in the shortest time possible? Do you really want to create your own Medium brand and to establish yourself as a writer?Then this is your best course for your Success! With the Medium platform you will archive steady success as a blogger and you will be able to build a fan following in a short span of time. This is a complete  tutorial on Medium blogging and you will be provided with great tools for writing and blogging This tutorial is designed in such a way that anyone who has no idea of Medium platform will be able to learn quickly and start building his brand. The course is structured into 10 subjects in which you will get to know everything that you need to succeed in Medium 1. Introduction to medium platform and its overview 2.How to start writing with great tips and even creating Emojis in your writing 3. You will learn to convert your writing to Podcasts and even uploading your own podcasts 4. Publishing  best stories in Medium and completely promoting your writing in social media 5. Learn how to never ever run out of ideas so you can keep on generating ideas for your writing 6. Growing your Medium Account 7. Medium Publications 8. Smedian tools in detail for promotion of your blog 9. Learn basic Seo and identify what key words the world is searching and optimize your articles. 10. Learn to use Pocket,Ever note,Canava, Pintest to make your blog a success. --- This course provides you with all the knowledge that you need to instantly start blogging and earning an additional income. The only thing that you need to start this course and succeed is the will to develop yourself and start something new.
    Do you know that you can blog on autopilot? Instead of writing your blog by yourself you can simply automate your blogging, create unique content on autopilot and generate revenue from your wordpress website. You can create unique content for your blog on autopilot and hence track your audience and show them ads related to their interests. Is it legal? Yes it is legal in two ways. 1. We will give credit to the original author of the content that we fetch through RSS. It will be done automatically by the plugin that we use in the course. 2. Even if step 1 looks a bit illegal, We will convert the content to unique content hence it will be fully legal and can be indexed on Google search Engine. In this course you will learn: 1: To get Domain, Hosting and SSL certificate free for your Blog. 2: To setup Wordpress for Auto blogging and getting your desired content on your blog. 3: To optimise your blog for SEO. 4: To Re-target your audience in order to get high conversion rate. 5: Generate unique content for your website on Autopilot. 6: Fetch Clickbank product feeds for your website. And a lot more. Once you have setup everything you can get lot of audience and then put up show ads on your blog from adsense or any other ads company and generate revenue from your blog.
      No matter what you end up doing, working online is a marvelous opportunity and a magnificent way to enjoy more freedom and potentially greater earnings. If you work online, means working from anywhere, that you can set your own pace to work at and that you can determine your salary. But while working online is great, there are a lot of various forms that this can take and not all are made equal. In other words, some online Home Businesses are more successful and more fun than others and if you’re working to provide a service like a web design, copywriting or coding, then basically you won’t be doing anything different from working for an employer. Clients mean deadlines and they’re essentially very similar to bosses! We firmly believe that becoming an authority blogger is the ultimate method to earn money online. Firstly, being an authority blogger means generating a passive income. You’ll have a website that will make money for you, but you won’t need to put in a lot of daily work for that to happen. The perfect Home Business. That’s means; the ability to do things like Do work up front, and kick back to relax while the money comes in from advertisement, digital products sales, and sponsorship. How and when you Write the occasional blog posts and do some promotion, will be up to you. You won’t dread doing it as you’ll be writing about the topic that you enjoy and you’ll be doing things that you’re proud of doing. Be a celebrity: people read what you write, and leave comments and respond. Feel amazed when you compose a post that makes you proud of and that you poured your heart into, and then receive emails from people who read it and found it engaging. Imagine the feeling when you stumble onto a forum where subscribers are discussing your ideas or recommending your blog! Become an expert in the niche you love and get to spend all your time learning and writing about it! Get great potential earnings for a top blogger. The only limit is your ambition. And the list goes on. Becoming an Authority Blogger is a highly rewarding way to work and earn money online. Blogging for money, yes we said it. How to make money Blogging? We are often asked how to make money blogging so want in this course to lay out some necessary steps that we see most bloggers who earn a living from blogging go over. Here is how to make money starting a blog. Set up your blog Start creating useful content Get off your blog and start finding readers Build engagement with the readers that come Start making money from the readership you have by one or more of a mixture of income streams Sounds easy, doesn’t it! On some levels the method is simple – but you need to know up front that there’s a lot of each step and below we are going to give you some pointers on each. Here is how to make money starting a blog. 1. Start a Blog To make money blogging, you’re going to need to have one. While this is pretty clear, it is also a stumbling block for various Blogging Beginners who come to the idea of blogging with limited or no technical background. If that’s you – don’t worry! It was our story too, and most bloggers start out feeling a little overwhelmed by the process of starting their blog. 2. Create Useful Content A blog is never a blog without content, so once you’ve set it up, you need to focus your attention on creating valuable content. What you choose to create will depend a little on the subject that you decide to write about (most successful bloggers have some of their focus to their blogging whether that be a niche or a demographic that they write for). The key to creating content is to have it as useful as possible. Focus upon creating content that changes people’s lives in any way will be the type of material that people will value the most and it will encourage people to know, like and trust you, which is essential if you later want to make money from your blog. 3. Leave your blog and start finding readers As you create the most valuable content that you possibly can, it is easy to get very insular with your focus and waste most of your time looking at building your blog. Several bloggers have a ‘build it, and they will come comprehension’ with their blogging, but this is a bit of a trap. If you need to make money from your blog, you need to not only focus on building a magnificent blog, but it is also necessary to get off your blog and to begin promoting it. There are many ways to experiment with building your blog’s audience, but it is essential to enter into all these strategies remembering that you should not just be searching for ‘traffic’ but ‘readers’. Start by thinking strictly about the type of reader you’d like to have read your blog. You might want to design an avatar of that reader (sometimes called a reader profile or persona) to help you work out who you’re trying to attract. Once you know who you’re hoping to have read your blog, ask yourself where that type of person might already be hanging out online. Begin to list where they might be gathering: Are they reading specific blogs? List the top 3 Are they participating in particular forums? List the top 3 Are they listening to podcasts? List the top 3 Are they engaging in particular social networks? List the top 3 Which accounts are they following on each of these social networks? List the top 3 Each of these places that you readers might already be gathering has opportunities to develop a presence whether that be by leaving good comments, offering to create guest posts or just by being helpful and answering questions. With such a list of blogs, focus, podcasts, social media accounts in hand you will have some good places to begin to hang out and create value. The core is to build authority, to add value, to foster relationships – not to engage in spammy practices. 4. Engage with the readers that come With a maintained focus on creating extraordinary content and finding readers, you’ll start noticing more people visiting your blog and engaging with the content. At this point, you will need to turn your focus to engaging with your audience and building a community. Respond to reader's comments, reach out to them and do everything that you can to keep them coming back again and again. Look after your readers well, and you’ll find they spread the word of your blog for you and support make your blog even more widely read. Having an engaged reader is also much easier to make money from. 5. Begin making money from the readership you have using one or more of a diversity of income streams OK – the first four steps of beginning a blog, creating content, finding readers and building engagement with those readers are important foundations that you do need to get in place before you can build long-term income for your blog. There’s no doubt that what we’ve covered is a lot of work though if you do it well, you’ll be setting yourself up properly and giving yourself every opportunity of being able to make money from your blog. With these foundations in place, you’re now set to start attempting to make money from your blog, but you do need to be conscious that just because you have set up your blog, have content and have engaged readers that the money won’t just automatically flow. It takes continued work and experimentation to make money from your blog. To make it easy to learn about the best methods for becoming a Top Blogger, we’ve put together a step-by-step guide that will teach you exactly how to do it.
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        Hi! Do you have desire to make a profitable blog that's make money for you, then you are at the right place. Everyone can do this because No Coding No Prior Experience Require d I have Recorded step by step process in HIgh quality content. In this course you will get wp-robots plugin worth $327 with developer licence, and 1clickwpseo plugin worth $48 with licence key. How it works? step-1 get perfect domain name and hosting step-1 you will get my entire backup website with wp-robots and 1clickwpseo plugins step-2 you will upload to your server step- 3 setup step-4 make more money. In this course i will take you to step by step with out any steps skipping from taking domain & hosting to making money from your auto blog. "GOOD INSTRUCTIONS FROM GOOD INSTRUCTOR WILL KEEP YOU AWAY FROM DANGER" WE GUARANTEE ON OUR COURSES FROM DAY ONE YOU WILL SEE RESULTS. I screen record my entire secret methods of this Enroll now and Change your life style. I waiting for you to be succeed in life. Thank you
          Would you like to start your own profitable online blog? And have you ever thought about turning blogging into a full-time career? Then this course is for you! In this course, I will show you step by step how to turn blogging into a long-term career. We will learn how to set up your blog, find the right topics to blog about, and promote your blog to millions of people worldwide through Facebook ads and other highly effective marketing strategies. So what exactly are you going to learn in this course? In the beginning of this course, I will introduce you to the blogging platform Medium and will show you step by step how to earn money blogging on Medium through Medium's open paywall and ad space rental. This course will cover 9 core areas, which: IDEA GENERATION - How do I come up with great ideas for articles? PROFILE DEVELOPMENT - How can I scale my profile to 1000 followers+ in the first month? TECHNICAL BACKGROUND - How does Medium work? How is the algorithm set up? BRANDING - How do I brand myself on the platform? WRITING - How do I write engaging articles that people want to read? GROWTH HACKING - How can I, without paying anything for marketing, scale my profile? (Focus: mass following and comment strategies) DESIGN - Which kind of designs should I use for my articles? MARKETING - How can I promote my articles on different online platforms? How can I generally generate more traffic for my articles? BRAND SCALING & SALES - How can I generate sales through Medium? In the second part of this course, I will show you how to host your own website. We will learn how to use a website builder, how to brand our website, promote it via 3 kinds of Facebook ads and much more! You will learn how to drive traffic to your page and even learn how to monetise your blog on your own website. By the way, the website we will create will be fully responsive. At the end of this course, we will then cover the cryptocurrency-based platform Steemit. You will learn how to get started blogging on Steemit, earn money with articles and scale your profile. We will additionally cover a dozen tools that you can use in order to track your progress and generate notable income fast. While other courses leave you confused and only give you a glimpse blogging, this is an A-Z guide - the complete blogging masterclass! Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO RISK BUT EVERYTHING TO GAIN! It’s time to take action. This offer won’t last forever. Go ahead and click the 'take this course' button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling! Yours sincerely, Leon Chaudhari - instructor -
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            Are you frustrated with your current blogging results? You’ve seen how blogs can build fortunes and create celebrities. You’ve benefited from the skills and expertise of others – and you know that you have a message to share with your readers that will benefit them. You’re probably wondering why this blogging thing works for others but not for you? I hate to be blunt, but you’re probably directing your efforts into the wrong things, and there’s an audience who desperately wants to hear what you have to say, but they don’t know how to find you. BECOME A PRODUCTIVE AND PROFITABLE BLOGGER BY MASTERING A FEW KEY PRACTICES With my easy-to-follow course, there are no short cuts, no sneaky tactics or fast tracks to success. There are no push button riches, no loopholes. Just the building blocks most people overlook. I’ll walk you through a step-by-step process for defining what your ideal reader wants from you. You’ll finally be able to escape the crushing expectation to constantly write new material and begin to focus on quality, not quantity. You’ll understand key blogging trends to bring your blog bang up to date with modern blogging styles and know how to take advantage of blog length, images and metrics. Plus, you’ll find out how to make money from your blog. Here are the topics we'll be covering: Modern Trends in Blogging We’ll start off by discussing modern trends in blogging and what the most successful bloggers are doing. Take a close look at what’s not working in today’s blogosphere and what your metrics tell you should be going on with your blog. Defining Your Audience The reader profile, or avatar, is often a very confusing concept for bloggers (and copywriters, business people and authors). Discover the key to unlocking this secret without breaking a sweat. By the end of this section, you’ll know exactly who you’re writing for and how to pinpoint the things they want to hear about in your blog. How To Create Captivating and Shareable Content Now we’ll get into the nitty-gritty of content creation. Learn how to take a big bunch of ‘Quantity’ and put it through the grinder till the ‘Quality’ comes out the other end. We also go into the all-important formatting that makes pro content stand out from the posts that earn amateurs nothing but silence and bounces in the blogosphere. Share Your Posts for Maximum Reach and Engagement We’ve gone into some depth about finding your ideal reader and creating the ideal content, so now we’ll move on to social media, which is a fun way to interact with your readers and get your content out there. Automate your social media syndication using some effective tools and combine your efforts with the tools the pro marketers use for the highest ROI in digital marketing. How to Monetize and Turn Your Blog into a Profit-Making Business By this point, you’ve clearly defined your niche, your reader, your content creation plan, and your social marketing strategy. In this section, you’ll learn different ways to monetize your content and your interactions with your readers and followers. How to Create a Consistent Habit for Success Everything you have learned so far is a foundation that needs consistent application. Here’s where you’ll find out how to create strong writing habits and structure a process that works for you. Blogging is not a one-size-fits-all pastime and without creating a process that suits your specific strengths and weaknesses, your hard work will continue to be undiscovered greatness. Take charge of your blog and carve it into a solid piece of internet real estate that rewards your regular writing habit with a solid income stream. If you want to communicate from the heart while earning a living, this course is for you. Hit that enroll button and let's get started today!
              Fashion Blogging - A Practical Guide from A-Z I am a professional fashion blogger, and in this course I will guide you through everything you need to know to create and build you own successful blog. We'll cover blogging topics relevant to fashion, lifestyle, beauty and travel blogs, and take a realistic look at how to build a blog on a budget with absolutely no technical knowledge. If you're considering fashion blogging as a hobby or a career this course is for you. It's going to be a comprehensive A-Z cover the end goal of monetisation techniques, but also all the 101 Basics about building a site and registering a domain name. Fashion blogging is huge amounts of fun and can be as big or small commitment as you choose. I'm so excited to teach you all about blogging and share my passion with you! After taking this course you will: Have your own fully fledged functional fashion blog Known which cameras, lenses, lighting, and equipment can help you on your blogging journey Master writing an engaging and creative blog post Take beautiful photographs that keep readers coming back Be connected to a worldwide community of brands, bloggers and readers Understand SEO and DA scores and know how to rapidly improve your blog stats Successfully design, build and even self host your own fashion blog from scratch Choose a great name and niche that'll last you for a lifetime Take this course today, and begin your journey to having a full fledged fashion blogging career! This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee.
                Blogging is the most popular and easiest way of earning money nowadays. Are you ready to start a money making blog through Google Adsense and Affiliate marketing on autopilot? Is this your dream too to work freely from anywhere, anytime you want? Follow me as here I am building a professional blog from scratch, attracts a lot of traffic using nothing but free methods, and turn it into a full-time profitable income source. The training starts out of assuming that are just a newbie, you have no prior knowledge of coding or programming, but you becomes more advanced as you progress through the course. Learn from an instructor with 6 years of experience in web development industry, having huge experience of building blogs & websites and eCommerce stores . By the end of this course you will be able to start your own business . Even if you don't know what is a blog, what to blog about! You will also come to know that more than 90% people on the internet are bloggers. Let's have a look at the top 6 reasons why everyone should start a blog if he/she is looking for a full time consistent income: Blogging is a great way to get free organic traffic from Google and the other major search engines On a blog you can market almost anything at all from affiliate products, to eCommerce products, to Amazon listings, and much more. User-friendly and easy to use technology(WordPress) available today that makes blogging simple, best for non-techies! Blogging is the best way to turn your interest into a profit. Almost any subject/niche can be monetized for earning money. Virtually it's free! You can build and run a successful blog on less than $5 per month. A blog is an asset, a property and it can be sold on in the future if needed. Just imagine that your work is also something you really enjoy doing. Most people just dreaming about earning a living from doing something they love. Some people are writing blog posts to realize that dream, so why not you? Apart from a regular source of income, a blog is actually an asset, an investment . Blogs can sell for 4, 5, or even 8 figures. There is no prior knowledge or experience required in this course because you will be following me step-by-step as I'll be creating a blog the right way from scratch, monetize the blog, promote it using free methods so that you can double or even triple your earning for the same small amount of effort. In order to start a blog, you will be needing to have a very low cost web hosting to place your blog on the internet and a great domain name for your blog. We'll be using the most popular and usable platform WordPress to launch your first blog. Throughout the entire course, I will be demonstrating each and every lecture with the best of my efforts . You will also learn how to write Google-friendly blog posts so that they can rank faster on the major search engines. The process of creating a blog is - SIMPLE, EASY, AND BEGINNER-FRIENDLY.
                  NEW! Now included 21 pages Special Report - Tumblr Posting Made Easy & 50 Crazy “Finding Tumblr Followers" Tricks, Cheat Sheet and Mind Map Report! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attention to All Online & Offline Businesses: Millions are hanging out on Tumblr lately. Your business definitely need this ASAP This step-by-step Tumblr Training System is going to take you by the hand and show you how to safely skyrocket your business online presence in the shortest time ever and enjoy as much high quality traffic as you want. Position your online or offline business over Tumblr in the shortest time possible. Quickly and safely grow a huge army of potential clients or customers 100% targeted to your business. Productively interact with your new and existing clients or customers in order to scale your business to a whole new level of success. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Seven (7) very-easy-to-follow steps are more than enough to get you where you really want to be using the incredibly social power of Tumblr. This system will give you exactly what you need in order to reach all of your online business expectations of success. This extraordinary Tumblr Training System will reveal the exact 7 steps that you really need to care about the most in order to strongly and safely position your business on Tumblr in the shortest time possible. If you would like to harness the power of Tumblr and its hundreds of millions of users to grow your audience, engage with customers, and encourage an increase in sales, this is the course for you. This course shows you what to do right. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can use Tumblr the way I show you and be very successful indeed. Here's what you'll get: *Me talking about Tumblr Marketing - take notes! *Let's be honest, so listen to what I say, please and concentrate on that! That's the real course content! *Understand what is Tumblr and why you urgently need it for your business. *Highly-effective techniques that will make your posting activities a lot more productive. *My personal guarantee of your success. Take the course for 30 full days, risk free - there's a full, no questions asked ever refund policy! Take this detailed but easy-to-follow course now - in an hour or so you can be increasing the size and sales of your business - over and over again! I "take you by the hand" and "behind the scenes" and show you everything, explaining it in simple "no jargon allowed" videos and written support lectures. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100% Satisfaction Or Your Money Back Guarantee I know you will be absolutely thrilled once you got through my course. It's not the usual stuff you know so well of. But if I am proven wrong, if you're not satisfied with this course for ANY valid reason, contact us within 30 days from your purchase and I will refund your purchase in full. No questions asked. You have absolutely nothing to lose.
                    Are you ready to build a blog that can generate sales 24/7 on autopilot?  Is your dream to have complete freedom to work when you want and from where you want? Follow along with me as we build a professional-looking blog from scratch,  attract masses of traffic using nothing but free methods, and turn it into a fun and profitable online venture. The training starts out assuming that you have no prior knowledge but becomes more advanced as you progress through the course. Learn from an instructor with 20 years of experience in building blogs & websites and extensive online marketing experience . By the end of this course, you will have a fully-fledged online business . Even if you don't yet know what to blog about! You will also know more than 99% of bloggers or 'would be' bloggers on the Internet. Let's take a look at the top 6 reasons why everyone who strives to earn a living online, should have a blog: Blogging is an ideal way to get free traffic from Google and the other search engines Blogging can be used to market almost anything at all from affiliate products, to e-commerce, to Amazon listings, and more. User-friendly technology available today makes blogging simple, even for non-techies! We can use blogging to turn our interests into profit. Almost any subject can be monetized. It's virtually free! You can build and run a successful blog for less than $10 per month. A blog is an asset and can be sold on in the future. Imagine that your work is also something you really enjoy doing. Most people only ever dream about earning a living from doing something they love. Some are using blogging to realize that dream, so why not you? Aside from the potential of earning an ongoing income, a blog is actually an asset .  Blogs can sell for 4, 5, even 6 figures. No knowledge or experience is required for this course because you will be following me, click-by-click, step-by-step as we create a blog the right way from the ground up, monetize the blog, promote it using free methods, and finally, build a list of email subscribers so that you can double (or more) your income for the same amount of effort. You will need to budget for around $5-$10 per month for hosting. This course uses the WordPress blogging platform, which is user-friendly and has all the features and functions you will need. Throughout the course, I demonstrate every step in detail with 'over the shoulder' lectures . You will also learn how to create posts and which types of posts work best. You will learn where and how to get content and ideas for your posts. And how to optimize your posts for the search engines - the simple way - and much, much more.